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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » 第8代AB健身椅(豪华版)健腹椅 美腰器仰卧板健身
第8代AB健身椅(豪华版)健腹椅 美腰器仰卧板健身
产品: 浏览次数:5988第8代AB健身椅(豪华版)健腹椅 美腰器仰卧板健身 
单价: 180.00元/180元
最小起订量: 1 180元
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
第8代新款AB健身椅,集第三四五六七代的功能一体,可固定成座椅,脚部可练小腿,并有一个脚踏车功能,局部加软海绵,手部位置为钢管外加海绵套,脚部位置可根据人体身高自行调节,四根加固弹簧。   炎热的夏季,小腹较大成了公众人的苦恼;特别是常常坐在办公桌前!啤酒肚,将军肚!女孩子为不能穿低腰的衣服和泳衣而懊恼!看这大街上窈窕女孩的身影,是否非常的羡慕呢?   现在要做那些累人,而效果却并不明显的仰卧起坐了,有了这张轻松愉快的椅子,不论是在户外,家里,或是办公室了。可以轻松愉快的进行瘦腹!还你苗条身材!   想拥有性感小腹,有了它你就可以拥有!     还等什么!这么优惠的价格赶紧买一台带回家吧.   有了它你还去什么健身房!别再痛苦的做仰卧起作了远离经部拉伤轻松减腹.   占地小巧,收藏方便.早晚运动一折一展方便实用.并可舒服的躺在椅子上看电视,煅炼小腿肌肉,具有一椅多用功能.   1 - Basic Jackknife
Ab Lounge - Basic JackknifeThis Ab Lounge exercise is also called an abdominal curl. It isolates the muscle that runs down the entire front of your torso, known as the rectus abdominis. Relax back into your unit with your knees bent and feet placed on the foot rest. Place your hands overhand on the pull up strap, about shoulder width apart. Exhale and slowly round your lower back, pulling your torso forward into a curl position.2 - Oblique Jackknife
Ab Lounge - Basic JackknifeBy rotating the lower body to one side, the oblique muscles as well as the rectus abdominis are targeted with this Ab Lounge exercise. The oblique muscles help shape the waist as well as add stability to the spine. Keeping the shoulders facing front, angle the legs about 45 degrees to one side and hold this lower body position.3 - Jackknife with Leg Life
Ab Lounge - Basic JackknifeThis exercise targets the rectus abdominis as well as the hip flexor muscles of the lifting leg. Begin in the same position described in the Basic Jackknife. Exhale and slowly round your lower back, pulling your torso forward into a crul position. Simultaneously, lift one leg and pull the knee up and toward the chest.4 - Extended Arm Jackknife
Extended Arm Jackknife
with Ab LoungeThis exercise targets the rectus abdominis, and is a little higher intensity than the Basic Jackknife. Begin in the same position described in the Basic Jackknife. Then, straighten both arms until the forearms are behind the pull up strap. Exhale and slowly round your lower back, pulling your torso forward into a curl position.5 - Extended Leg Jackknife
Extended Leg Jackknife
with Ab LoungeThis exercise targets the rectus abdominis and, like the Extended Arm Jackknife, is a little higher intensity than the Basic Jackknife. Begin in the same position described in the Basic Jackknife. Then, straighten both legs, resting the ankles of calves on the foot rest. Exhale and slowly round your lower back, pulling your torso forward into a curl position.6 - Torso and Hip Flexor Stretch
Torso and Hip Flexor Stretch
with Ab LoungeThis exercise will stretch all of the abdominal muscles as well as the muscles of the front of the hip. Begin in the same position described in the Basic Jackknife. Then, straighten the legs and the arms as described in the Extended Arm Jackknife and the Extended Leg Jackknife. Slowly lean back with the torso and legs parallel to the floor.7 - Advanced Jackknife (Bonus Exercier)
Advanced Jackknife
with Ab LoungeThis exercise will target the rectus abdominis and hip flexors, and the spinal extensor muscles of the lower back. Begin in the same position described in the Back Jackknife. Then, straighten the legs and the arms as described in the Extended Arm Jackknife and the Extended Leg Jackknife. Slowly lean back withe the torso and press down with legs.    实物拍摄: 产品使用说明书:          运输方式:江苏,浙江,上海以快递发货为主,快递送货上门。