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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » kiss玫瑰香皂花结婚礼品创意情人节生日礼物批发送女朋友浪漫礼盒
产品: 浏览次数:5364kiss玫瑰香皂花结婚礼品创意情人节生日礼物批发送女朋友浪漫礼盒 
单价: 108.00元/108.00元
最小起订量: 1 108.00元
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货


Tired of the same shape of Soap? Please try the flower soaps! They are made of high quality natural material, which dissolves completely in warm water. So they are environmentally friendly.
Compared with the traditional soaps they have much more functions while the price is relatively low.
Beautiful and fragrant flower soaps make your cleaning routine a happy, relax, and joyful process.
They are ideal decoration for your bath room, which can give out sweet scent and create a romantic atmosphere. They are treats for both your eyes and nose.
Also the flower soaps are perfect items for gift, or business promotion.
All in all, it’s practical, high quality and so cute!
Tired of the same shape of Soap? Please try the flower soaps! They are made of high quality natural material, which dissolves completely in warm water. So they are environmentally friendly.
Compared with the traditional soaps they have much more functions while the price is relatively low.
Beautiful and fragrant flower soaps make your cleaning routine a happy, relax, and joyful process.
They are ideal decoration for your bath room, which can give out sweet scent and create a romantic atmosphere. They are treats for both your eyes and nose.
Also the flower soaps are perfect items for gift, or business promotion.
All in all, it’s practical, high quality and so cute!
Tired of the same shape of Soap? Please try the flower soaps! They are made of high quality natural material, which dissolves completely in warm water. So they are environmentally friendly.
Compared with the traditional soaps they have much more functions while the price is relatively low.
eautiful and fragrant flower soaps make your cleaning routine a happy, relax, and joyful process.
They are ideal decoration for your bath room, which can give out sweet scent and create a romantic atmosphere. They are treats for both your eyes and nose.
Also the flower soaps are perfect items for gift, or business promotion.
All in all, it’s practical, high quality and so cute!
