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徽章标牌,商标标签,塑料制品,medal,aluminum badge,business card,car badge,lapel...

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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » 厂家生产优质精美珐琅世博纪念徽章
产品: 浏览次数:5796厂家生产优质精美珐琅世博纪念徽章 
单价: 2.80元/2.8元
最小起订量: 100 2.8元
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
厂家生产优质精美珐琅世博纪念徽章[公司介绍 苍南县港星徽章厂
▲ 主营产品介绍: 本厂专业生产纪念徽章、纪念币(金币、银币、铜币、各种镀金、镀银纪念币) 、纪念章、纪念盘、徽章(景泰蓝、珐琅、仿珐琅、烤漆滴胶、贴纸滴胶、不干胶等工艺徽章) ; 校徽、胸章、胸针、钥匙扣、领带夹、起子、奖章、运动章、标牌、铭牌、证章、袖扣、金属商标等各种金属工艺品
▲ 专业策划设计:工厂设有专业的策划设计人员,免费为客人策划设计制作产品效果图样.
▲ 优惠的价格:雄厚的实力,大批量的原材料储备,优越的地理环境,先进的生产设备使得港星徽章厂在生产高品质产品的同行中具有明显的价格优势。
▲ 优良的品质:精细的雕刻,先进的表面处理工艺技术,各种工艺效果的合理搭配,精益求精的工作态度,百年工艺的积累, 从而能充分的保障优良的品质!
▲ 港星的精神: 追求卓越,成功就会出其不意的走上门。做你身边的密友,配饰件专家!
注: 该图片产品是港星徽章厂为客户个性化设计定制的,仅供参考,属非卖品,产品及商标所属权为客户所拥有,如您需要定制产品,请提供设计图样或实样以及详细的文字说明.(数量达到一定量可退回模具费)
详 情 欢 迎 咨 询 ! 产品介绍:材质有:锌合金,铜,铁,不锈钢,不锈铁,铝等!表面处理:镀金、镀珍珠金、镀古金、镀亚金、镀银、镀珍珠银、镀古银、镀亚银、镀白镍、镀古白镍、镀珍珠镍、镀亚白镍、镀黑镍、镀古锡、镀青铜、镀古青铜、镀红铜、镀古红铜、镀铬、镀珍珠铬等。产品图示:苍南县港星徽章厂 主营  产品 本厂专业生产纪念币(金币、银币、铜币、各种镀金、镀银纪念币) 、纪念章、纪念盘、徽章(景泰蓝、珐琅、仿珐琅、烤漆滴胶、贴纸滴胶、不干胶等工艺徽章) ;校徽、胸章、胸针、钥匙扣、奖章、运动章、标牌、铭牌、证章、袖扣、金属商标等各种金属工艺品;有机玻璃胸牌、亚克力胸牌,员工牌等塑料制品策划  设计:工厂设有专业的策划设计人员,免费为客人策划设计制作产品效果图样.优惠的价格:雄厚的实力,大批量的原材料储备,优越的地理环境,先进的生产设备使得银蕾徽章厂在生产高品质产品的同行中具有明显的价格优势。优良的品质:精细的雕刻,先进的表面处理工艺技术,各种工艺效果的合理搭配,精益求精的工作态度,百年工艺的积累, 从而能充分的保障优良的品质!港星的精神:做您身边的密友——佩饰件专家,让你变得更美!快联系我们:QQ:,1679717566,282412842Fax:0577-68630178  Tel:0577-68630178  ,59870976手机: 13958702508   邮箱:gxbadge@;barton.zhu@: zhuyousuo@: batonzhuwebsit:          -store/505662 Cangnan Gangxing Badge Company is a manufacturing and processing enterprise integrating picture and text design, molding, casting, polishing, plating, painting, plastic drop, enameling, printing and packaging, which was established in 2003. Currently, it has developed into an integrated enterprise with Cangnan County Longgang Zhongtian Wood Craft Gift Package Plant and Cangnan Lingfeng Thermal Transfer Printing Plant. It is an innovative enterprise with unlimited vitality, also a demonstrating one on metal products, plastic products and wooden products in south Zhejiang province.We, Gangxing, regards the philosophy of relying on technology, strict quality control, relying on innovation, customers’ satisfaction, mutual diligence and doing better as our immutable pursuit.We have a group of high quality employees. Sales network covering Beijing, Tangshan, Hangzhou, Chongqing, Wenzhou has been established through several years’ efforts, which creates a situation of information sharing and vigorous development.Currently, main products are metal ones such as gold and silver VIP card, school badge, hat badge, collar badge, memorial badge, copper medal, game coin, memorial coin, memorial plate, nameplate, bottle-opener; plastic logo such as car logo, name logo; and printings such as paster and refrigerator magnet.We will make higher and better requirements to offer better service to customers in the nation and abroad and to achieve a fast development of our national economy. We, affiliates and accessories experts will make you more beautiful.