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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » 厂家直供儿童韩版童装 女童花边长袖T恤 高领秋衣打底衣0029
厂家直供儿童韩版童装 女童花边长袖T恤 高领秋衣打底衣0029
产品: 浏览次数:5241厂家直供儿童韩版童装 女童花边长袖T恤 高领秋衣打底衣0029 
单价: 22.00元/22元
最小起订量: 5 22元
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货


Our factory accept large wholesale, welcome to sample to customized version.



              QQ:1341422993          阿里旺旺:jiediy

 Cotact:   MSN:wuguanj2007@live.cn 

              QQ:1341422993          Ali ID:jiediy





















◎ About color 

Our clothes are all real shooting, we try to apply the true color reduction baby out, but because the camera and monitor, the causes of light shooting slightly different color is unavoidable, problems will not be as of color difference bad review complaints of return basis, please close are cool solution.

◎About the Price 

We follow the principle of small profits and quick turnover, all precious for real price, not bargaining; Like bargain of close they save your breath

◎About payment

We suggest using pay treasure payment, no pay treasure friends may bank transfer

◎Return on

All our clothes once sold, the quality problem, all don t return to quality problems, please contact the shopkeeper within a week, please close attention, take the clothes is can t return it through

◎About receiving

We will carefully before shipment quality inspection and packing, please close in the receipt of the goods, the quantity and quality check goods once found the problem please rejected package, and the first time that the waiter

◎ Pay attention to the size

Please close are carefully select the size, pay attention to the size of the goods, we introduced the size of the amount for reference only, if in doubt can seek advice online customer service personnel, and when the shoot message。


