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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » 食品机械,膨化包装机,花生包装机,充气包装机械
产品: 浏览次数:5500食品机械,膨化包装机,花生包装机,充气包装机械 
单价: 126000.00元/
最小起订量: 1
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
 天辉电子包装机厂主要产品;枕式包装机,枕式全自动包装机,枕式食品包装机,枕式多功能包装机,颗粒包装机,粉剂包装机,粉末包装机,食品包装机,多功能包装机,液体包装机,颗粒全自动包装机,颗粒背封定量包装机,食品颗粒包装机,粉剂立式包装机,粉剂全自动包装机,粉剂半自动包装机,粉剂定量包装机,三边封粉剂包装机,酱油醋包装机,牛奶包装机,制氮机,果冻条包装机,棒棒冰包装机,打码机,打码机耗材售后服务承诺如下:1、  出厂检验:每一产品出厂前均有专业的质量检验人员调试检测合格后方能出厂。2、  调试安装:在客户准备完成所需材料,并通知我厂后,我厂将在24小时内作出答复。调试人员最快将在24小时内到达机器所在地;如交通不便或路途遥远的,我厂人员将在72小时内到达。并调试产品。调试合格后,由客户在《调试验收报告》上填写意见并签字盖章。3、  操作培训:调试人员需对客户的操作人员进行培训,直至操作人员可独立操作。4、  机器保修一年,终身维护,维修更换配件只收成本费用。          河南新乡市天辉电子包装机厂。电话:0373-6997418 ,传真:0373-6997418,邮编:453638,销售部:18637315375  .QQ66582619郑州天辉包装机厂办事处电话:0371-68769598 ,18637315375  15538103608 供应食品机械,膨化包装机,花生包装机,充气包装机械  This machine is extensively applied in the thin film packing of various
liquids, such as milk, bean milk, various beverage, sauce, vinegar and rice wine...etc. The ultraviolet ray puts out the germ and makes the thin film into the bag. Print the date, Fixed amount to infuse to pack, seal the bag and cut off the bag, auto-count are automatically completed in the same time. The hot temperature adopt auto control, Packing productions are beautiful, firm and reliable. Outer shell, piping, disinfect machine, metered pump adopts the stainless steel tructure. Insure the hygiene. Because profession, our productions are outstanding.
Product function:1, we choose to use the local and high-quality component to insure the machine has less mistakes and higher stability.
2, It has all kides of sealing form: side seal, the four directions seal, the wide margin seal, and the double color bag seal etc.
3, It can regulate the bag’ length arbitrarily, and not to need to replac the spare parts.
4, it has double ways to control temperature, insure the temperature is accurate.
5, It can print 8 numbers production date automatically at the seal.
6, It adopts the advanced light electricity to follow to control the bag's length. It can keep the complete pattern. It adopts the electronics to count the packing quantity.    供应食品机械,膨化包装机,花生包装机,充气包装机械   适用范围                          膨化食品、花生、瓜子、糖果、干果、种子、小饼干、砂糖、味精、茶叶等颗粒物品的包装。主要性能和结构特点1.     本机结构紧凑、牢固、稳定、操作简单、维护方便。2.     本机采用可编程序控制系统,超大触摸屏、直观、易懂。3.     采用伺服运膜系统、定位准确、包装美观。4.     全自动从计量、充填、制袋、日期打印到产品输送一次完成。5.     根据客户需要有单包及多连袋切断功能,可配置打孔装置。技术规格:机型CH-200耗气量:2.5m3/min 6kg/cm2薄膜宽度:120-380m m制袋长度:80-240m m制袋宽度:50-180m m卷材最大外径:Max.300m m包装速度:5-70bags/min薄膜厚度:0.04-0.08m m电源规格:220v、50/60Hz、2.4KVA外形尺寸:(L)880×(W)810×(h)1350mm机器总重量:350kg 