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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » CHINA/450MM大型木制地球仪工艺礼品
产品: 浏览次数:5428CHINA/450MM大型木制地球仪工艺礼品 
单价: 688.00元/688元
最小起订量: 1 688元
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
温馨提示:买家须知-------诚信保证售后服务1、购物前请先阅读本店购物说明,如若拍下视为默认此说明项,有异议者请先与店主联系,确保欲购买的宝贝信息(包括款式、颜色、材质、规格等)都掌握了,再拍下付款;拍前请先与店主联系是否有货,以免耽误大家的时间,谢谢合作!~ 2、宝贝均为实物拍摄,由于每台显示器的亮度、对比度以及分辨率的不同,有可能会存在一定的色差,无法避免,不属于质量问题。完全不能接受任何色差的买家请慎重考虑。请各位淘友仔细阅读宝贝描述,谨慎出价购买,必要时可来电咨询。 3、请您在收到货品时打开包裹按照包裹仔细核对商品,如发现商品存在缺少问题,请不要签收,请及时联系店主。如因个人喜好或者对商品描述理解发生偏差等非我店商品质量问题,本店只接受换货(请在三天之内将包裹退回,超过此期限不予受理),来回运费由买家自行承担。如购买的商品有赠品,须将赠品随商品一起退回再换货,且保证赠品完好无损。
4、由于本店长期做实体店生意,本网店为吸引广大顾客网店商品均为零利润批发价,件件物超所值。5、关于签收问题:请在领取签收物品时当场清点。如有发错或短少,请拒收并联系我们,我们会尽力为您解决。如在签收后,或签收几天后再说缺损的,请恕我们无法再维护您的权益,所以请大家一定要先看后签。 Our factory is specialized in technology for many years production and processing gift!
  Process main rival globe inlaid semi-precious stones, maps, pens, pen shells, make-up mirror, key chain and so on. Production design, research and development, production and sales enterprises. Has a set of professional designers, manufacturing technicians, and its products are nearly 30 kinds of natural semi-precious stones, after nearly 30 sets of complex and delicate process group to fight the hand, mounted from.  The ball using a variety of imports of semi-precious stones and natural color stone, carved by a professional craftsman, the character of the use of precious stones have been carefully - selecting, cutting, grinding, polishing and other processes will be made of precious stones in accordance with industry-standard countries graphics, accurate ball embedded in the . More than 30 kinds of precious stones from the elements by each country's mosaic of precious stones have a unique and symbolic meaning. For example: Wood Stone "yellow" into China, graphics, turquoise "blue" into the United States graphics, graphics Brazil Dongling Yu made, abalone shellfish graphics into Australia and so on. The marine part of the precious stones in various colors grinding Shop carefully after the powder from the system. Sphere with the latitude and longitude lines is suppressed by metal wire. External crystal glass sphere with as a protective layer, not only increase the aesthetic, the more so elegant precious globe with valuable collections. Whether it is home to beautify, decorate, decorative, ornamental, office, study, or gifts from relatives and friends and make your style even more successful and scholars temperament.  Complete product specifications, together with the design of sophisticated metal stents, their families and companies as a display, display, add to the royal style, extraordinary style, but also high-level gifts.
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