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您当前的位置:首页 » 供应产品 » 微笑pasta手机挂件手机链 创意礼品 王心凌微笑pasta同款
微笑pasta手机挂件手机链 创意礼品 王心凌微笑pasta同款
产品: 浏览次数:5337微笑pasta手机挂件手机链 创意礼品 王心凌微笑pasta同款 
单价: 1.52元/1.52元
最小起订量: 10 1.52元
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货
微笑PASTA 手机挂件 娃娃高约2.5CM随机发货!字牌有 [愿我一直能在你的微笑中度过][只要笑一笑 没有什么事情过不了][因为喜欢 所以快乐][开心 快乐每一天]认识这个可爱的宝贝吧?一段爱与SMILE的故事!告诉我们很多很多的道理,只要笑一笑,没有什么大不了! 产品问题(The product): 厂家会根据市场变动产品的包装和产品外观,没有来得及修改的望请谅解,产品质量没有问题的,请不要 以 与图片不符为由要求退货,卖家不接受。The manufacturer will according to the market changes and the packing of the products, product appearance, not enough time to modify the please forgive, product quality is no problem with pictures, please don't ask to return money, not by the seller is not acceptable.售后服务(After-sales service):收货时,请先验货后签单,物品若有损坏,或者是少货现象,请不要签收, 先与客服联系说明情况并让物流公司人员或者快递人员证明后在做处理,否者签收后 出现任何问题卖家概不负责.When receiving inspection after the first, please sign the bill, if have damaged items, or a few goods, please don't sign, the phenomenon of customer first and contact details and make logistics company personnel or personnel in proof of delivery, no after receipt of any problems after the seller shall not be held responsible for.礼品活动(Gifts):本店每月不定期举行送礼活动。买家收藏本店,以便到时候得到最新消息。
:)Our monthly non-periodical hold gifts. Then, in order to collect our buyers get the latest news. :退货问题(Return):退货问题 本店利润微薄,若有质量问题的请积累8公斤左右的货物方可退货,省外的请发普通物流退回, 本店退货物流不支持华宇,佳吉,德邦 ,望请理解,退货运费由买卖双方各承担一半.Our meager profits return problems, if quality problems of accumulated around 8 kg, please return the goods, the emphasis may send back goods shop, general logistics logistics support, not DeBang, hoau JiaJi, please understand that all goods freight by both parties undertake half.