
供应美术工具箱 大号收纳箱 666工具箱

明华实业有限公司是集工贸为一体的综合企业, 下设美术颜料厂、纸品厂、文具厂、塑料厂、教学用品厂和文化用品商场。明华生产基

  • 产品单价: 18.00元/18.00元
  • 品牌名称:

  • 产地:

    山东 临沂市

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留言询价 加入收藏
¥面议 948人浏览


¥70.00 755人浏览


供应石膏几何体 几何体石膏像 几何体教具 石膏模型
¥80.00 973人浏览

供应石膏几何体 几何体石膏像

297×420mm 210×297mm 257×364mm 182×257mm
¥102.00 174人浏览

297×420mm 210×297mm 257×3

16k速写本、素描纸 活页速写本 线圈速写本
¥3.30 884人浏览

16k速写本、素描纸 活页速写本

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起订: 1 18.00元 供货总量:
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货 所在地: 山东 临沂市
有效期至: 长期有效 品牌:


    明华实业有限公司是集工贸为一体的综合企业, 下设美术颜料厂、纸品厂、文具厂、塑料厂、教学用品厂和文化用品商场。明华生产基地占地20000㎡,建筑面积达9892㎡,总资产逾3000万元。公司生产明华牌、沪广牌和马迪牌三大系列产品,有美术颜料,美术纸品,金属画架、写生凳、画板、画袋、画夹、画笔、画箱、洗笔筒、工作台、静物台、美术石膏教具、工具箱、仪尺、调色盒、调色盘、吹塑纸、KT板、版画机、练泥机、泥板机、电窑、云台等产品。目前,明华产品已畅销全国各地,远销日本、美国和东南亚地区。最近我们还加强了与英国温莎牛顿和德国辉柏嘉等跨国知名企业的合作,使得生产与销售呈现出两旺的新局面。



       Minghua Industrial Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer and trader of stationary and painting material. It has four subsidiary companies, including Stationery & Painting Material Store, Art Pigment Factory, Art Stationery Factory, and Art Paper Factory. There are three well-known brands in the company: Minghua, Madi and Huguang, and also many products including beaux-arts paints, drawing paper, metal easel, sketch stool, drawing table, drawing bag, drawing clamps, paintbrush, painting box, rubber bucket, working table, still life table, plaster model, painting toolbox, drawing apparatus, palette, blow-molded plastic sheet, KT board and etc..

       Minghua Stationery & Painting material Store is pided into painting material section, four treasures of the study section, and official articles section. The store, having over 5000 kinds of merchandises, is the fixed-supplier of many schools and committees of education. Our products have covered over the country and exported to the US, Japan and many other countries.

      明华实业有限公司是集工贸为一体的综合企业, 下设美术颜料厂、纸品厂、文具厂、塑料厂、教学用品厂和文化用品商场。明华生产基地占地20000㎡,建筑面积达9892㎡,总资产逾3000万元。公司生产明华牌、沪广牌和马迪牌三大系列产品,有美术颜料,美术纸品,金属画架、写生凳、画板、画袋、画夹、画笔、画箱、洗笔筒、工作台、静物台、美术石膏教具、工具箱、仪尺、调色盒、调色盘、吹塑纸、KT板、版画机、练泥机、泥板机、电窑、云台等产品。目前,明华产品已畅销全国各地,远销日本、美国和东南亚地区。最近我们还加强了与英国温莎牛顿和德国辉柏嘉等跨国知名企业的合作,使得生产与销售呈现出两旺的新局面。



       Minghua Industrial Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer and trader of stationary and painting material. It has four subsidiary companies, including Stationery & Painting Material Store, Art Pigment Factory, Art Stationery Factory, and Art Paper Factory. There are three well-known brands in the company: Minghua, Madi and Huguang, and also many products including beaux-arts paints, drawing paper, metal easel, sketch stool, drawing table, drawing bag, drawing clamps, paintbrush, painting box, rubber bucket, working table, still life table, plaster model, painting toolbox, drawing apparatus, palette, blow-molded plastic sheet, KT board and etc..

       Minghua Stationery & Painting material Store is pided into painting material section, four treasures of the study section, and official articles section. The store, having over 5000 kinds of merchandises, is the fixed-supplier of many schools and committees of education. Our products have covered over the country and exported to the US, Japan and many other countries.

    明华实业有限公司是集工贸为一体的综合企业, 下设美术颜料厂、纸品厂、文具厂、塑料厂、教学用品厂和文化用品商场。明华生产基地占地20000㎡,建筑面积达9892㎡,总资产逾3000万元。公司生产明华牌、沪广牌和马迪牌三大系列产品,有美术颜料,美术纸品,金属画架、写生凳、画板、画袋、画夹、画笔、画箱、洗笔筒、工作台、静物台、美术石膏教具、工具箱、仪尺、调色盒、调色盘、吹塑纸、KT板、版画机、练泥机、泥板机、电窑、云台等产品。目前,明华产品已畅销全国各地,远销日本、美国和东南亚地区。最近我们还加强了与英国温莎牛顿和德国辉柏嘉等跨国知名企业的合作,使得生产与销售呈现出两旺的新局面。



       Minghua Industrial Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer and trader of stationary and painting material. It has four subsidiary companies, including Stationery & Painting Material Store, Art Pigment Factory, Art Stationery Factory, and Art Paper Factory. There are three well-known brands in the company: Minghua, Madi and Huguang, and also many products including beaux-arts paints, drawing paper, metal easel, sketch stool, drawing table, drawing bag, drawing clamps, paintbrush, painting box, rubber bucket, working table, still life table, plaster model, painting toolbox, drawing apparatus, palette, blow-molded plastic sheet, KT board and etc..

       Minghua Stationery & Painting material Store is pided into painting material section, four treasures of the study section, and official articles section. The store, having over 5000 kinds of merchandises, is the fixed-supplier of many schools and committees of education. Our products have covered over the country and exported to the US, Japan and many other countries.

      明华实业有限公司是集工贸为一体的综合企业, 下设美术颜料厂、纸品厂、文具厂、塑料厂、教学用品厂和文化用品商场。明华生产基地占地20000㎡,建筑面积达9892㎡,总资产逾3000万元。公司生产明华牌、沪广牌和马迪牌三大系列产品,有美术颜料,美术纸品,金属画架、写生凳、画板、画袋、画夹、画笔、画箱、洗笔筒、工作台、静物台、美术石膏教具、工具箱、仪尺、调色盒、调色盘、吹塑纸、KT板、版画机、练泥机、泥板机、电窑、云台等产品。目前,明华产品已畅销全国各地,远销日本、美国和东南亚地区。最近我们还加强了与英国温莎牛顿和德国辉柏嘉等跨国知名企业的合作,使得生产与销售呈现出两旺的新局面。



       Minghua Industrial Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer and trader of stationary and painting material. It has four subsidiary companies, including Stationery & Painting Material Store, Art Pigment Factory, Art Stationery Factory, and Art Paper Factory. There are three well-known brands in the company: Minghua, Madi and Huguang, and also many products including beaux-arts paints, drawing paper, metal easel, sketch stool, drawing table, drawing bag, drawing clamps, paintbrush, painting box, rubber bucket, working table, still life table, plaster model, painting toolbox, drawing apparatus, palette, blow-molded plastic sheet, KT board and etc..

       Minghua Stationery & Painting material Store is pided into painting material section, four treasures of the study section, and official articles section. The store, having over 5000 kinds of merchandises, is the fixed-supplier of many schools and committees of education. Our products have covered over the country and exported to the US, Japan and many other countries.

      明华实业有限公司是集工贸为一体的综合企业, 下设美术颜料厂、纸品厂、文具厂、塑料厂、教学用品厂和文化用品商场。明华生产基地占地20000㎡,建筑面积达9892㎡,总资产逾3000万元。公司生产明华牌、沪广牌和马迪牌三大系列产品,有美术颜料,美术纸品,金属画架、写生凳、画板、画袋、画夹、画笔、画箱、洗笔筒、工作台、静物台、美术石膏教具、工具箱、仪尺、调色盒、调色盘、吹塑纸、KT板、版画机、练泥机、泥板机、电窑、云台等产品。目前,明华产品已畅销全国各地,远销日本、美国和东南亚地区。最近我们还加强了与英国温莎牛顿和德国辉柏嘉等跨国知名企业的合作,使得生产与销售呈现出两旺的新局面。



       Minghua Industrial Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer and trader of stationary and painting material. It has four subsidiary companies, including Stationery & Painting Material Store, Art Pigment Factory, Art Stationery Factory, and Art Paper Factory. There are three well-known brands in the company: Minghua, Madi and Huguang, and also many products including beaux-arts paints, drawing paper, metal easel, sketch stool, drawing table, drawing bag, drawing clamps, paintbrush, painting box, rubber bucket, working table, still life table, plaster model, painting toolbox, drawing apparatus, palette, blow-molded plastic sheet, KT board and etc..

       Minghua Stationery & Painting material Store is pided into painting material section, four treasures of the study section, and official articles section. The store, having over 5000 kinds of merchandises, is the fixed-supplier of many schools and committees of education. Our products have covered over the country and exported to the US, Japan and many other countries.

      明华实业有限公司是集工贸为一体的综合企业, 下设美术颜料厂、纸品厂、文具厂、塑料厂、教学用品厂和文化用品商场。明华生产基地占地20000㎡,建筑面积达9892㎡,总资产逾3000万元。公司生产明华牌、沪广牌和马迪牌三大系列产品,有美术颜料,美术纸品,金属画架、写生凳、画板、画袋、画夹、画笔、画箱、洗笔筒、工作台、静物台、美术石膏教具、工具箱、仪尺、调色盒、调色盘、吹塑纸、KT板、版画机、练泥机、泥板机、电窑、云台等产品。目前,明华产品已畅销全国各地,远销日本、美国和东南亚地区。最近我们还加强了与英国温莎牛顿和德国辉柏嘉等跨国知名企业的合作,使得生产与销售呈现出两旺的新局面。



       Minghua Industrial Co., Ltd. is a manufacturer and trader of stationary and painting material. It has four subsidiary companies, including Stationery & Painting Material Store, Art Pigment Factory, Art Stationery Factory, and Art Paper Factory. There are three well-known brands in the company: Minghua, Madi and Huguang, and also many products including beaux-arts paints, drawing paper, metal easel, sketch stool, drawing table, drawing bag, drawing clamps, paintbrush, painting box, rubber bucket, working table, still life table, plaster model, painting toolbox, drawing apparatus, palette, blow-molded plastic sheet, KT board and etc..

       Minghua Stationery & Painting material Store is pided into painting material section, four treasures of the study section, and official articles section. The store, having over 5000 kinds of merchandises, is the fixed-supplier of many schools and committees of education. Our products have covered over the country and exported to the US, Japan and many other countries.

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