
怡爽冰巾厂家全棉印花冰巾批发 出口日本韩国冰凉巾冰围巾/冰围脖


  • 产品单价: 2.20元/2.20元
  • 品牌名称:

  • 产地:

    浙江 杭州市

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起订: 50 2.20元 供货总量:
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货 所在地: 浙江 杭州市
有效期至: 长期有效 品牌:






















 Product principle: (英文的产品说明)

    This product adopts foreign latest crystalline polymer materials produced. Polymer materials can be inside short time to absorb large Numbers of moisture and form a certain intensity gel, using water evaporation cooling principle; the collector under the effect of temperature and air slowly release, due to evaporation of water evaporation need to use a lot of heat, so it can reduce human body temperature, achieve cool effect. This product is easy to use, safe avirulent insipidity, extensively suitable for outdoor activities, family sunstroke prevention, students\' examination, medical care, sports tourism, driver, labor protection and temporary refrigeration field, is the summer is tasted, cultivated family is a necessary for learning exam right-hand man, beautiful leisure fashion partner.


Method of use: (使用方法)

1. First used please will ice towel middle part soaked in water, with handle gently rub refrigeration crystal to the uniform, need bibulous seven to ten minutes, products will be natural expansion.

 2. Remove with dry towel fabric surface drying, cold can wear on pre department, head and wrist, etc.

 3. Usage process ice towel will slowly recovering shape, dry can take the initial deposit.

 4. Cold towel re-usable, when use again only soak a minutes.

Washing explanation: (洗涤说明)

 With a few soap is mix in delicate water, will cool towel in water gently shaking catharsis, hanged at the house a cool ventilated place dry dehydration, prevent sun direct illuminate also not with high temperature drying. Products are completely dehydration need a week or longer, dehydration maintains after placed in a cool ventilated place to use. This product can be used repeatedly, product without excitant, without any toxic, but never the entrance!


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