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乐清市惠普照明有限公司,专业从事生产节能环保型照明产品,拥有“HPZM”和“迦拿”“诺博尔”三个品牌, 拥有零售、批发、设计等专业模块的综合性企业。 乐清市惠普照明有限公司的产品涵盖办公照明、家居照明、户外照明、LED照明、光源电器等系列,全面为用户提供优质的照明产品和服务。凭借着优异的品质、优质的服务、良好的信誉,在激烈的市场竞争中脱颖而出,“HPZM”和“迦拿”“诺博尔”的照明产品已远销中东、非洲、欧美等地区,受到客户及业界人士好评。为了更好的推广节能理念,更好的服务市场,国内构成了以浙江为中心,在各大城市设立分支机构,以市、县经销商为服务点的产品供应及配套服务网络。现在,公司秉持着“优质、诚信、开拓、创新”的企业宗旨,以饱满的热情为各行业客户提供最广泛的高品质照明产品及最全面的专业照明服务。 Zhejiang Yueqing Huipu Lighting Co.,ltd. It is one specialized enterprise engaged in producing energy-saving environmental protection lighting products, possesses three brands such as “HPZM” and “CANA”“Noble”, and our company is one integrative enterprise incorporated with retail, wholesale and design etc. The product of Zhejiang Yueqing Huipu Lighting Co.,ltd. contains office lighting, home lighting, outdoor lighting, LED lighting, light-source electrical appliance and other product lines, through which provides customer with excellent quality lighting product and service. With super-excellent quality, service and good reputation, we could be outstanding in the fierce market competition. “HPZM” and “CANA”“Noble”, lighting product have been selling to Mid-east, Africa, Europe and America etc, which has enjoyed a good reputation from customers and professionals in the field. For promoting energy-saving idea and serving customer well, we have established perfect product supply and service network throughout our country that taking Zhejiang as marketing center, setting up branches in every big cities and taking dealer of cities/countries as service point. Now, with company tenet of “excellent quality, good faith, developing, innovation”, our company is providing wide high-quality lighting product and perfect specialized lighting service for customer with full enthusiasm.

公司名称: 乐清市惠普照明有限公司 公司类型: 企业单位 ()
所 在 地: 上海 公司规模:
注册资本: 50万人民币 注册年份: 2008
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营范围: 节能灯,吸顶灯,LED灯
销售的产品: 节能灯,吸顶灯,LED灯
电工电料/线缆照明 / 电光源 电工电料/线缆照明 / 电光源 / 其他电光源