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义乌市盖特汽配是一家集研发、生产、营销于一体的汽配公司,历经多年不懈创新与进取,现在已经发展成为国内外知名的汽车配件供应商。公司主要以皮带、油封、十字万向节、轴承为主导,同时拓展其它相关汽车配件及国产车配件。 公司拥有成熟而完善的销售和服务网络,形成了“多渠道、多模式”的销售体系,与各区域知名的专业汽配市场、终端连锁形成长期战略合作伙伴,产品远销加拿大、澳大利亚和欧洲、中东、东南亚等40多个国家和地区,享誉海外。 继往开来、与时俱进,盖特志在千里!面对新世纪经济全球化和信息革命的浪潮,汇百川以成瀚海奇观,聚众贤共创宏图伟业,以前瞻性眼光,积极助推中国汽配行业发展,立足实际且积极进取,自主创新更放眼全球,致力于打造成全球范围内的一流汽车配件企业,一个全球化发展战略的国际化品牌。YIWU GRAND AUTO PARTS CO.,LTD. is a professional auto parts corporation with operations including development, production and sales,and has a number of high-tech production bases in mainland China.We have established partnerships with big purchasers and renowned brands in France and Egypt and Iraq to carry out the OEM; the products are sold into over 50 countries around the world with Europe, America, the middle east and the southeastAsia and Africa as the main destinations.We have more experience in produce Timing belt,V-bel,Ribbed belt,Oil sea,PU seal,O-Ring,Filter,Gasket,Bushing,Rubber parts,Universal joint and Bearing products.Since 2002,we also deal with the foreign trade business for auto parts of Chinese cars.Our complete products let customers have better market.Our company principles are QUALITY - INTEGRITY - SPEED - ACCURACY.Our custom made moulds and designs are made to technical specifications and drawings of samples and meet all the required standards. Our parts are manufactured to specific customer needs and all have international and European quality certifications.GRAND cordially welcomes business people around the world to partner with us to foster brilliance in concerted efforts!We believe that our company has the technical expertise to provide a quality range of custom made products and the knowledge to meet our customers needs and requirements with our quality service.

公司名称: 义乌市盖特汽车配件商行 公司类型: 企业单位 ()
所 在 地: 辽宁/本溪市 公司规模:
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份: 2012
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营范围: 皮带,油封,十字节,轴承,国产汽车配件,刹车片,气缸垫,油管
销售的产品: 皮带,油封,十字节,轴承,国产汽车配件,刹车片,气缸垫,油管
汽摩用品/配件 / 发动系统 汽摩用品/配件 / 发动系统 / 其他发动系统配件