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诚美是一家从事健康产业的集团化企业,秉承 “诚信久远、创造完美”的企业宗旨,坚守“诚实、稳健、合作、创新” 的经营理念,多年来潜心耕耘,在行业里脱颖而出,铸就了良好的口碑,并通过国内外保健品、成人用品行业资源的整合,建立了研发生产、商务贸易、品牌运营等优质体系,业务发展稳健而迅速。诚美旗下“多乐士”安全套品牌为中国市场三大品牌之一,产品遍布中国城乡各地,连续八年年销量超亿只,近年接近2亿只,销量在中国安全套品牌当中名列前茅,诚美公司于2004年投资马来西亚GM乳胶工业公司,获得马来西亚国家乳胶研究所支持,与全球先进的安全套科技工艺结合,开发风格独特的高端安全套产品,更奠定了品牌品质的全球竞争力优势。 SELLMAN is engaged in an adult health industry, a well-known enterprises, adhering to the "old faith, and create the perfect" corporate purposes, which insists on "honesty, stability and cooperation, innovation" business philosophy, over the years hard work with great concentration in the industry has stood out, cast a good reputation, and through domestic health industry, adult products industry, the integration of resources, the establishment of research and development production, trade and wholesale, brand promotion, high-quality operating system in order to form groups of various regions in China, operations, business development steady and swift.SELLMAN 's "DONLESS"condom brand for the Chinese market, one of the three brands, products, urban and rural areas throughout China over the eight consecutive years, sales of super 100 million in recent years, nearly 200 million, sales in China among the top brands of condoms, SELLMAN 's investment in Malaysia in 2004, industrial companies GM emulsion obtain Malaysian National Institute of emulsion support, and global integration of advanced technology condom technology to develop a unique style of high-end condom products, but also laid the quality of the brand globally competitive edge.

公司名称: 广东诚美经济发展有限公司 公司类型: 企业单位 (贸易型)
所 在 地: 山东/青岛市 公司规模: 201 - 300人
注册资本: 380万人民币 注册年份: 2002
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营模式: 贸易型
经营范围: 安全套,避孕套,多乐士安全套,多乐士避孕套,超薄安全套,大油量安全套,酒店装安全套,新特装安全套,实惠安全套,品牌安全套,中国安全套,亚裔人安全套,进口安全套,马来西亚生产安全套,著名品牌安全套,更可靠的安全套,多乐士经典安全套,销量最大的安全套,果味安全套,新婚安全套
销售的产品: 安全套,避孕套,多乐士安全套,多乐士避孕套,超薄安全套,大油量安全套,酒店装安全套,新特装安全套,实惠安全套,品牌安全套,中国安全套,亚裔人安全套,进口安全套,马来西亚生产安全套,著名品牌安全套,更可靠的安全套,多乐士经典安全套,销量最大的安全套,果味安全套,新婚安全套
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