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佛山市南海源灿五金制品厂位于“中国日用五金之都”-丹灶镇,地处珠江三角洲腹地,邻近香港、澳门、广州,处于广州—佛山的发展轴线上,是广东省佛山市南海区西部的中心城镇,“广佛都市圈”中的重要城镇。距广州机场、佛山机场、三水港、高明港、广州火车站、佛山火车站等水陆空交通枢纽1小时车程;珠二环高速、广肇高速穿越镇内,镇内二级交通网发达,公路纵横交错,物流畅通无阻。 我厂是锦尚德实业有限公司设在国内的生产工厂,是一家制造五金配件和炉具的企业。主要生产销售五金烧烤工具制品及家庭日用五金制品。同时生产合成烧烤木炭,助燃剂烧烤炭等烧烤配套产品。凭着雄厚的经济实力,先进的生产设备,科学化的管理模式,以及训练有素的优秀员工,我们为客户提供优秀的产品和服务。 我们希望能够与客户建立了业务关系。生产OEM产品、共同开发市场。 Foshan Nanhai YuanCan Hardware Products Factory located "capital of Chinese daily hardware" of Foshan City, Guangdong Province Nanhai District Danzao. Located in the pearl river delta hinterland. Near Hong Kong, Macau, guangzhou. In guangzhou, foshan development axis,is Nanhai district, foshan city, guangdong province, the center of the western town ."Guangfo metropolitan circle" of the important towns. From guangzhou airport, foshan airport, sanshui port, brillant Hong Kong, guangzhou railway station, foshan railway station, the land-and-water empty transportation hub 1 hour driving; zhu . 2nd circle highway ,guangzhao highway Through the town.Town two developed transportation network, highways criss-cross, logistics unimpeded. Our factory is KAM SHEUNG TAK INDUSTRIAL CO., LIMITED. Production plant in Mainland China. Is a manufacturer of hardware accessories and appliances business. Main production and sales of hardware and barbecue tools products and household hardware products. Production of environmentally friendly charcoal, synthesis barbecue charcoal, the accelerant barbecue charcoal, barbecue accessory products. With strong economic strength, advanced production equipment,scientific management mode, and well-trained talented employees, we provide customers with excellent products and services.We hope to establish a business relationship with customers. OEM products, to jointly develop the market.

公司名称: 佛山市南海源灿五金制品厂 公司类型: 企业单位 ()
所 在 地: 山西/太原市 公司规模: 11 - 50人
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份: 2011
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营范围: 一次性烧烤炉,环保烧烤炭,助燃剂烧烤炭,烧烤炉及配件
销售的产品: 一次性烧烤炉,环保烧烤炭,助燃剂烧烤炭,烧烤炉及配件
原料辅料/初加工材料 / 燃料 原料辅料/初加工材料 / 燃料 / 固体燃料 原料辅料/初加工材料 / 动物与林产化学品 / 木炭