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本公司是一家集设计,生产加工,销售为一体的跨地区,多元化的大型企业.专业生产销售欧式装饰材料,树脂罗马柱,玻璃钢梳妆台,欧式PU镜框,欧式木质画框,工艺装饰雕花,玻璃钢工艺品,木质相框线条,画框线条,金银箔装饰镜框线条,PS镜框装饰线条,PU装饰线条,艺术天花,欧式灯盘是本公司的主营产品. 公司以雄厚的实力,合理的价格,产品质量,热心服务,互惠互利的经营理念立足于市场.产品远销东南亚.中东.欧美.阿拉伯等几十个国家和地区.本公司产品深受国内外客商青眛.... 竭诚欢迎国内外客商与本公司携手合作,共创辉煌........ This is a company set design, production, sales as one of the trans-regional, diversified large enterprises. Specializing in the production and sales of Continental decorative materials, resin glass steel column of Rome, dresser, Continental European wood frame, PU frame, decorative carvings, glass steel products, wood frame lines, frame lines, the silver foil decorative frame lines, PS lines PU frame decoration, decorative lines, art of smallpox, European-style lamp is the company's main products. Company to a strong, reasonable prices, product quality, enthusiastic service, mutually beneficial business philosophy based on the market . Products are exported to Southeast Asia, Middle East, Arabia and dozens of countries and regions . The company's products by domestic and foreign merchants and Green Mei .... We sincerely welcome domestic and foreign merchants and the company to work together, create brilliant ... .. 联系电话 18620874770田先生 Contact telephone 18620874770 Mr. Tian 业务QQ:88602114 Business QQ:88602114 传真电话:0757-81796595 Fax: 0757-81796595 广州工厂地址:广州市新塘镇石新公路官湖社区2号 Address: Guangzhou Guangzhou city Xintang town of Stone Lake officer of the new road community 2

公司名称: 广州市欣惠装饰材料有限公司 公司类型: 企业单位 ()
所 在 地: 广东/广州市 公司规模: 101 - 200人
注册资本: 30万人民币 注册年份: 2011
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营范围: PS装饰线条,PS镜框线条,玻璃钢罗马柱,艺术灯池,酒店家居,PU装饰线条,工艺雕花,金银箔线条
销售的产品: PS装饰线条,PS镜框线条,玻璃钢罗马柱,艺术灯池,酒店家居,PU装饰线条,工艺雕花,金银箔线条
建材与装饰材料 建材与装饰材料 / 橡塑及纤维复合建材 原料辅料/初加工材料 / 非金属材料及制品 / 玻璃钢建筑制品