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巨太國際股份有限公司成立于1989年,自成立以來一直從事電腦周邊產品及廣告數碼產品。産品主要出口到歐洲、美國、日本等國外市場。從2010年起,我們致力於投入碳纖維電熱服發熱模組領域,目前已居該行業領先地位。發熱模組供應給眾多電熱服生產廠商,產品暢銷全球。我們已建立了完善的质量保障体系,秉承“質量就是企業的生命”的生産宗旨。同时,我们在生产过程中采取一系列措施確保産品的質量及降低生产成本,使得我们产品价格更具竞争力。作为一个工貿一體的企业, 我们竭力为客户提供专业的服务, 诚挚地欢迎您的垂询和访问。Great Sun Tech Corp. has been a specialist in computer accessories and signage, monitors manufacturing since 1989. In 1998, as part of our efforts to increase productivity and efficiency, we relocated part of our operations to Fushan and Shenzhen in China. These include our production lines for a range of our products. As a result of our growth strategy, our production facilities in China currently stands at 11,000 sqm2 with a monthly capacity of 32,000pcs – further expansion plans are on the way. At the same time, only the production lines for the TFT LCD as well as our full range of LCD TV & 8” up digital signage production lines (5040 sqm2) are based in Taiwan (Miaoli).2011 Established “Duran Gear ” Heated Carbon Fiber Heating Wire technology ( We already own several worldwide patents with several patents pending) began investment to further expand production facilities. New facility expected to be operational by Q2 2011 with a production of different items such as Heated Jacket, Gloves, Boot, etc.. with capacity of 100.000 – 300.000 annually.2012 We will bring new products in the second half of 2012 with 3M & new industrial material such as Heat Jacket/Hand warmer/ Heat pad/ Cushion/ Heat soft trousers/gloves/inner bootto satisfy our OEM customers.

公司名称: 巨太國際股份有限公司 公司类型: 企业单位 ()
所 在 地: 广东/佛山市 公司规模: 501 - 1000人
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份: 1990
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营范围: 电热服發熱模組,男女裝電熱服,數碼標牌,广告机显示器,視頻賀卡
销售的产品: 电热服發熱模組,男女裝電熱服,數碼標牌,广告机显示器,視頻賀卡
电脑/办公设备 / 电脑配件与外设 电脑/办公设备 / 电脑配件与外设 / CRT显示器