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企业简介 Introduction  
胜利油田胜利动力机械集团有限公司是我国最早研究燃气内燃机的专业企业,企业总资产约为14亿元。目前 集团公司已经发展成为一个集燃气机制造、研发、技术支持、修理、能源回收利用(发电等)、燃气机项目工程设计、 施工及总包等为主要业务,石油机械生产修理、电机制造、配电设备设计生产等为辅助业务的综合性企业。 
胜动集团公司属于国家火炬计划重点高新技术企业,拥有雄厚的科研实力和人才储备。胜动集团公司是国内 燃气内燃机领域唯一的拥有专业研究机构(燃气内燃机工程研究院)的企业,拥有专家、学者及有合作关系的高 校教授在内的近200人的科研开发队伍,涵盖了集团公司业务涉及的各类专业学科和主要技术工种。截至目前集团 公司共拥有国家专利37项,其中发明专利8项,是国内最专业、最具影响力的燃气内燃机生产基地。“胜动”牌燃 气机也是目前国内同行业唯一的“中国名牌产品”,由于其具有科技含量高、应用领域广、节能、环保、质量过硬、 服务周全等特点已得到了社会的广泛认可,在燃气内燃机行业市场占有率第一、出口量第一。
Shengli Oil Field Shengli Power Machinery Group CO.,LTD is the first professional enterprise specializing in the research and development of gas internal-combustion engine with total assets of about 1.4 billion Yuan. Shengdong Group has already extended to be comprehensive enterprise with main business covering research and development of gas engine, technical support, repair, energy recovery and utilization (for example: power generation), engineering design and construction or EPC (engineering/procurement/construction) contractor of gas engine project, and the auxiliary business including production and repair of petroleum machinery, alternator manufacture, design and manufacture of electrical equipments. 
Shengdong Group is the important high-tech enterprise in the National Torch Program, which is rich in science research and talent reserves. Shengdong Group is the only enterprise owning a specialized research institution (Shandong Shengdong Gas I.C.E Engineering Research Institute) in the field of gas I.C.E, with a research and development team including experts, scholars and cooperative professors up to about 200 people covering all the subjects and main types of work relating to the Group's business. By now, Shengdong Group has owned 37 national patents, 8 of which are invention patents. Shengdong brand gas engine is the unique product titled of China Top Brand in this field and has been given a social reputation for advanced technology, wide applicability, energy saving and environmental protection, perfect and complete service etc., so that Shengdong Group has shared the largest market and export amount of gas products in domestic I.C.E field.

公司名称: 胜利油田胜利动力机械有限公司 公司类型: 国有 (生产型)
所 在 地: 山东/东营市 公司规模: 1000人以上
注册资本: 10000万人民币 注册年份: 1978
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营模式: 生产型
经营范围: 燃气发电机组,发动机,控制屏
销售的产品: 燃气发电机组,发动机,控制屏
电气与能源设备 电气与能源设备 / 发电机及发电机组 电气与能源设备 / 发电机及发电机组 / 燃气发电机组