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骞垮窞甯傜暘绂哄尯涓滅幆鐜涙眬宸ヨ壓鍝佸巶鎴愮珛浜?007骞达紝鍘傞儴浣嶄簬鏈夐粍椋為缚鏁呬埂涔嬬О鐨勫箍涓滅渷浣涘北甯傚崡娴峰尯鐩愭锛屾瘲閭荤渷鍩庡箍宸炲競鑽旀咕鍖猴紱浜ら€氬彂杈撅紝鍙戣揣渚挎嵎锛涙槸涓€瀹朵笓涓氱敓浜т簹鍏嬪姏鍦嗘鏉愶紙浜氬厠鍔涘寲瀛﹀悕绠€鍐橮MMA銆佽嫳鏂囧悕涓篈crylic銆佷織绉版按鏅舵垨鏈夋満鐜荤拑锛屼互涓嬬粺绉版按鏅讹級 銆佸紓鍨嬫潗銆佺鏉愬強鍏舵垚鍝併€佸崐鎴愬搧鍔犲伐锛堟垚鍝併€佸崐鎴愬搧鍔犲伐鏈夋按鏅跺渾鐞冦€佹按鏅舵煖鑴氥€佹按鏅堕棬鎷夋墜銆佹按鏅舵ゼ姊壎銆佹按鏅舵ゼ姊珛鏌便€佹按鏅惰尪鍑犻厤浠躲€佹按鏅剁伅楗伴厤浠躲€佹按鏅跺箍鍛婂睍绀洪厤浠躲€佹按鏅舵瘺宸炬灦銆佹按鏅惰。甯芥灦绛夛級涓轰竴浣撶殑楂樻柊鎶€鏈紒涓氥€侳oshan nanhai yanbu zhuoyue plastic products factory was established in 2007 .The headquarter is located in Kong Fu master Huang Fei Hong鈥檚 hometown----- FoShan . Foshan is Connecting with Guangzhou, the transportation is very convenience.Our factory engaged in the manufacture of organic glass(Acrylic,Crystal,PMMA) .We also process raw materials into finished product(acrylic ball, acrylic cabinet ,acrylic handle ,acrylic tea table, the acrylic lights accessory ,acrylic advertisement fittings and acrylic bath towel hanger).鏈巶浠庢垚绔嬩箣鏃ヨ捣锛屽氨鏈潃鈥滀互璐ㄩ噺姹傜敓瀛樸€佷互淇¤獕姹傚彂灞曗€濈殑鍘熷垯锛涜姳宸ㄨ祫浠庡彴婀惧紩杩涗簡澶氭潯鍏ㄨ嚜鍔ㄤ簹鍏嬪姏妫掓潗銆佺鏉愮敓浜х嚎鍙婅涓氭妧鏈紱鎵€鐢熶骇鐨勪骇鍝佸湪璐ㄩ噺涓婂潎杈惧埌鎴栬秴杩囧悓绫昏繘鍙d骇鍝併€?" we keep our quality for existence, keeping our glory for prosperity" as our principle . We invest large capital to introduce the new technique in producing different kind of Acrylic from taiwan.All of our product 's quality is more superior than the others..鏈巶鍧氭寔鈥滆瘹淇°€佸悎浣溿€佸叡锠冣€濆強鈥滆拷姹傚崜瓒娾€濈殑缁忚惀鐞嗗康锛岀璇氫负瀹㈡埛鏈嶅姟銆傛杩庢潵鐢点€佹潵鍑姐€佹潵鍘傛唇璋堛€佽璐€俉e dedicate ourselves to producing high quality products to meet the market's demand.Our principle in management is " Honesty and faith ,win-win cooperation and pursuing remarkable achievements ".We are looking forward to cooperating with you. Please feel free to contact us .We will try our best to meet your need, providing the most reliable and efficient service.

公司名称: 佛山市南海盐步卓粤有机玻璃制品厂(普通.. 公司类型: 企业单位 ()
所 在 地: 浙江/温州市 公司规模:
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份:
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00