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上海一典实业有限公司创建于2008年, 自创立以来,一直专注于大众生活理疗保健冷与热产品的行业,是集研发,生产,销售于一体的综合性高新企业,员工100多人,生产面积3500㎡,使用全新生产线,日产能达10,0000只,大大提高了生产效率,并降低了成本,使整个生产处于国内领先地位,与客户达成双赢。 上海一典拥有训练有素的生产管理、质量管理团队,以市场为导向,为市场高效、高质地源源不断的提供产品,满足市场的需求。 公司所有产品均已进行美国FDA注册,取得欧盟CE认证,施行ISO13485质量管理体系,对相关材料进行SGS、MSDS等检验检测,以及相关的第三方检测,保证产品的品质、安全。产品整个生产过程严格遵照医疗器械质量体系的要求,对整个产品的生产流程进行留档备案,实现产品的全过程追溯。 公司成立以来,我们与来自世界各地的合作伙伴达成良好的合作,我们真诚地期望与您共筑辉煌的未来。 Shanghai a typical Industrial Co., Ltd. was founded in 2008 and since its inception, has focused on public life physical health cold and hot products industry, R & D, production, sales in one integrated high-tech enterprise with over 100 employees, productionarea of 3500 square meters, the use of the new production line, Nissan 10,0000 only, greatly improving production efficiency and reduce the cost of the entire production of the domestic leading position to reach a win-win situation with customers. Shanghai Kazunori has trained production management, quality management team, market-oriented, efficient market, a steady stream of high quality products to meet the demand of the market. All products are U.S. FDA registration achieved EU CE certification, the purposes of the ISO13485 quality management system, inspection and testing of related materials such as SGS, MSDS, as well as third-party testing to ensure product quality and safety. Products throughout the production process in strict accordance with the requirements of medical device quality system, the entire production process for filing and for the record, the product process tracing.Since its establishment, we have reached a good cooperation with partners from around the world, we sincerely hope that you build brilliant future.

公司名称: 上海一典实业有限公司 公司类型: 其他有限责任公司 ()
所 在 地: 上海 公司规模: 11 - 50人
注册资本: 50万人民币 注册年份: 2010
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营范围: 冰袋。冰盒,袋子。包装,冰垫,凝胶鞋垫,红酒套,冰眼袋,热带,热敷产品
销售的产品: 冰袋。冰盒,袋子。包装,冰垫,凝胶鞋垫,红酒套,冰眼袋,热带,热敷产品
MRO消耗易耗品 / 劳保用品 / 防护眼镜、眼罩