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汽摩接插件,家用电器连接器,冷压端子,预绝缘端子,插簧,RNB SNB裸端子,焊片,圆形接...

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乐清市佳驰电子元件厂成立于1984年,位于浙江省乐清市北白象镇瑞里工业区。与中国电器之都--柳市毗邻。乐清拥有产业链发达、物流快捷方便的特点,良好的发展环境为我们带来了广大的客户。 我厂专业生产DJ、DJY、DJD、EL等汽摩家电连接器用接插件产品1000余种。广泛应用于汽车、摩托车、空调、冰箱、洗衣机、微波炉、电脑等家用电器。销售网络遍布全国,深受用户的认可和信赖。 我厂成立二十多年来,以“团结 求实 拼搏 创新”的企业宗旨,“诚信为本 品质保证”的服务理念,“质量第一 高效协作”的质量方针,竭诚欢迎海内外各界人士的光临,我们将与您携手并进、共创伟业。 YueQing JiaChi Electronics CO.,LTD was established in 1984, is located in the town of BeiBaiXiang Yueqing , Zhejiang Industrial Zone RuiLi. With the Chinese electrical appliances - adjacent to Willow City. Yueqing has developed the industry chain, logistics, fast and convenient features, a good development environment for us to bring the majority of customers. specializes in DJ, DJY, DJD, EL, etc. Used Auto appliance connectors to connect more than 1,000 kinds of products. Widely used in automobiles, motorcycles, air conditioners, refrigerators, washing machines, microwave ovens, computers and other appliances. Sales network all over the country, recognized and trusted by the user. To "unite realistic dedication and innovation" business purposes, "good faith Quality Assurance" service concept, "quality first and efficient collaboration," the quality, welcome home and abroad to visit and we will work with you hand in hand, create a cause.

公司名称: 乐清市佳驰电子元件厂(普通合伙) 公司类型: 私营合伙 ()
所 在 地: 浙江/温州市 公司规模: 11 - 50人
注册资本: 90万人民币 注册年份: 2011
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营范围: 汽摩接插件,家用电器连接器,冷压端子,预绝缘端子,插簧,RNB SNB裸端子,焊片,圆形接线片,胶壳连接器,插片
销售的产品: 汽摩接插件,家用电器连接器,冷压端子,预绝缘端子,插簧,RNB SNB裸端子,焊片,圆形接线片,胶壳连接器,插片
电工电料/线缆照明 / 电工电料