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鍦d笢灏硷紙涓婃捣锛夐拡缁囨満鍣ㄦ湁闄愬叕鍙告槸鐢变笘鐣屾渶鍏风洓鍚嶇殑閽堢粐鏈烘鍒堕€犲晢-鎰忓ぇ鍒㎜ONATI闆嗗洟浜?005骞村湪涓浗璁剧珛鐨勭嫭璧勫瓙鍏徃锛屼笓涓氱敓浜у拰閿€鍞湥涓滃凹鏃犵紳鍐呰。鏈哄拰鐔婄尗鐗岄拡缁囧ぇ鍦嗘満銆傛娲插畬缇庣殑璁捐鐞嗗康鍜岀簿婀涚殑宸ヨ壓鎶€鏈娇鍦d笢灏肩敓浜х殑绯诲垪閽堢粐鏈烘濮嬬粓淇濇寔涓栫晫棰嗗厛姘村钩銆?鐜板湥涓滃凹鏃犵紳鍐呰。鏈哄拰鐔婄尗鐗岄拡缁囧ぇ鍦嗘満绯诲垪浜у搧宸插紑濮嬪湪涓浗涓婃捣缁勮鐢熶骇锛岃繖灏嗙粰骞垮ぇ涓浗瀹㈡埛甯︽潵鏇村楂樺搧璐ㄥ強楂樻€т环姣旂殑鏈哄櫒锛屽悓鏃朵篃涓烘垜浠洿濂界殑鏈嶅姟浜庡箍澶т腑鍥藉競鍦烘彁渚涘箍闃旂殑鑸炲彴锛?Santoni (Shanghai) Knitting Machinery Co., Ltd.Born in 2005 belonged to the prestigious Lonati Group, world-wide leader in the production of socks and hosiery machinery (Lonati, Sangiacomo and Matec brands) as well as seamless (Santoni and Sangiacomo brands) and circular knitting machinery ( Vignoni and McMore brands).The combination of the Lonati Group know how and Italian hi-tech design with the cost effective sourcing in China (except for key parts imported from Europe) has led to machinery with the highest quality standard and an affordable price.The seamless line with the models CHN MF8 and CHN MF12 (12 feeds seamless machine with needles by needle selection 鈥?2 technical ways each feed) as well as the model SM8 Top 2 MP (8 feeds seamless machine with 2 needles by needles selection each feed) are already very successfully present in the market.The large diameter circular knitting machine Panda model (single jersey with wide range of diameter and gauges, tubular and open frames) with its innovative technology and European quality standards has just been introduced in the market.

公司名称: 圣东尼(上海)针织机器有限公司 公司类型: 企业单位 ()
所 在 地: 浙江/绍兴市 公司规模:
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份:
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
行业专用设备 行业专用设备 / 纺织机械 行业专用设备 / 纺织机械 / 针织机