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Jacket茄克,Coat棉衣,Down coat羽绒服,hoody 卫衣,Dust coat风衣,T-shirtT恤,knitt...

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桑迪仕特(香港)服饰有限公司.成立于2005年3月,它是一家集研发、设计、生产经营时尚服装的专业化公司。 公司拥有一大批中高级技术、管理、设计人才队伍。产品风格多样化,关注西方流行趋势结合产品的本土化,做工精细,巧妙点缀,将前卫的时尚、超脱自然、闲适恬静的生活追求融入到服饰中,彰显个性魅力和气质。注册的商标有“桑迪仕特”和“柳缘”。 完善的内部管理机制,现代化的生产基地为货源和品质奠定了良好的基础。合作伙伴数百家,生产的产品遍及世界各地。 本公司是实行内外兼营,多用于外贸出口,产品质优价廉,远销欧、美、中东,非洲,俄罗斯、东南亚,等数十个国家和地区,在业界享有良好的声誉。本公司一直秉承“顾客至上,锐意进取、客户第一”的经营理念,坚持为广大客户提供优质服务。欢迎广大客户、同仁惠顾和合作HongKong Sundearest Fashion Co.Ltd.It`s established in March 2005 .It`s a speciality vogue trade company for garment research development、design、 product and vendition. There are a great lot of middling and high-class technician、management and stylist in our company.Product design style is variety.We majority attend to western fashion trend,meantimes integrade our mainland product,request work be fine,handliness intersperse. We are going to combine vogue fashion,exceed nature,quiet life`s aspiration into the fashion,reveal personality charm and gaseity. Our trademark have “sundearest”and “liuyuan”.Perfect inner management system and modern production base is good basic for goods quality.There are handreds copartner.Our market is developing. Our product Will spread all over the world.Our company pay attention to vendition between domestic and overseas .Foreign trade is central .Product is good quality and bargain .Our Target market is Europe 、America、 Middle East 、Africa 、Russian and South-east asia,etc.countries and areas.Our reputation will be good in the world. We convince credit standing of brand and subsist on quality and seek development on innovation and be our baby for client satisfaction.We are going to establish a new model of profit each other.Our current customers.they are in america .austalia .brazil and england.

公司名称: 石狮市桑迪仕特服饰有限公司 公司类型: 企业单位 ()
所 在 地: 北京 公司规模: 101 - 200人
注册资本: 10万人民币 注册年份: 2012
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营范围: Jacket茄克,Coat棉衣,Down coat羽绒服,hoody 卫衣,Dust coat风衣,T-shirtT恤,knitting 针织,trouser裤,skirt裙子,shirt衬衫
销售的产品: Jacket茄克,Coat棉衣,Down coat羽绒服,hoody 卫衣,Dust coat风衣,T-shirtT恤,knitting 针织,trouser裤,skirt裙子,shirt衬衫
服装鞋帽箱包、钟表眼镜 服装鞋帽箱包、钟表眼镜 / 女装 服装鞋帽箱包、钟表眼镜 / 女装 / 女式棉衣