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船用靠球 护舷,船用气囊,充气橡胶护舷,上下水气囊,起重气囊,摩托车轮胎,力车轮胎,D...

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青岛新城橡胶制品有限公司成立于一九八六年,是一家集生产、科研设计、产品开发、技术服务为一体的企业。我公司下属企业新城气囊厂是专业生产载动、浮漂、容储、碰撞等多用途的船用气囊容器的专业厂家,是青岛地区船用气囊、充气护舷生产厂家的龙头企业,拥有专业机械设备多台(密闭式炼胶机、开放式炼胶机、四辊压延机、各种规格的气囊硫化罐、硫化机等)。青岛新城橡胶公司是目前行业内唯一一家同时通过3C认证和船级社CCS认证的企业。现已通过ISO9001:2008质量体系认证以及SGS认证,被评为“中国橡胶密封制品生产10强企业”,暨“中国橡胶密封制品生产十大畅销著名品牌”。自1986年建厂至今积累了丰厚的气囊、充气护舷加工生产经验,聚集了一大批专业设计及生产技术人员,不断改进和提高产品质量,竭诚为用户服务,受到全国各地广大用户的称赞,本公司充气护舷为黄埔、广州船厂、江南船厂、福建易和重工等国家大型企业定点供应商。出口市场为韩国、美国、东南亚、西欧、南非、尼日利亚等多个国家和地区。Qingdao xincheng rubber product company as a manufacturing plant established 1986 . knowledge , technical innovation and teamwork are at the center of who we are . for more than 24 years . strives to maintain the trust and confidence of our customers , as well as all others affected by our operations when we are clearly seen to behave in an ethical manner . our reputation for integrity , which in turn helps us attract and retain both customers and employees . Our company main production marine equipment such as pneumatic rubber fender , PVC fender , yacht fender , polyurethane fender ( any color ) , ship launching and landing airbag , salvage airbag , container airbag . Our company all the products have been inspected and approved by major engineering consultants and classification society and we widely by reputed multinational companies In china our company is unique first passed china government quality CCC and classification society CCS permited .Passed the ISO9001 2008 authentication. In international , our company passed Liberty Reserve LR , American Bureau of standards ABS and DNV permit .

公司名称: 青岛新城橡胶制品有限公司 公司类型: 企业单位 ()
所 在 地: 山东/青岛市 公司规模: 101 - 200人
注册资本: 102万人民币 注册年份: 2000
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营范围: 船用靠球 护舷,船用气囊,充气橡胶护舷,上下水气囊,起重气囊,摩托车轮胎,力车轮胎,D型护舷,汽车千斤顶,充气式千斤顶,圆柱型护舷,yokohama 护舷,V型护舷,码头护舷,船用橡胶制品,打捞浮筒,沉船打捞浮筒,聚氨酯护舷
销售的产品: 船用靠球 护舷,船用气囊,充气橡胶护舷,上下水气囊,起重气囊,摩托车轮胎,力车轮胎,D型护舷,汽车千斤顶,充气式千斤顶,圆柱型护舷,yokohama 护舷,V型护舷,码头护舷,船用橡胶制品,打捞浮筒,沉船打捞浮筒,聚氨酯护舷
交通运输 / 船舶及航道设备 交通运输 / 船舶及航道设备 / 其他船舶设备及配件