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昆山新中錸電子有限公司 2005年成立深圳工廠,經過管理層進行市場調研,為充分發揮公司優勢,在江蘇成立了昆山新中錸電子有限公司,公司位於交通便利,人傑地靈的昆山玉山鎮。公司所銷售的P.C.B I.C.T B.G.A探針系列,IC探針系列,定位針系列,彈簧連線系列以及為客戶特殊需要而定制的探針。滿足客戶不同的需求,成績斐然。公司無論從產品的品質、供貨速度、產品價格及售後服務均得到眾多客戶的認可和一致好評。 展望未來,新中錸公司將一如既往的堅持“敬業、專業和卓越”的工作態度,在客戶最為關心的產品品質、供貨速度、產品價格及售後服務等方面更上一層樓,竭誠為客戶服務,滿足客戶的需求是我們始終不懈的努力。 因為——我們的發展是需要客戶您的支援! 歡迎您來電來函,願我們合作愉快! Kunshan New Chunglai probe Tech co., LTD. Shenzhen factory was established in 2005, after a management team to conduct market research, in order to give full play to strengths, set up in Kunshan, Jiangsu New Chunglai probe Tech co., LTD. the company is located in convenient transportation, outstanding people Yushan Town, Kunshan. The company sold PCB ICT BGA probe series, IC probe series, the positioning pin series, spring connection series and the special needs of our customers customized probe. To meet the different needs of customers and success. The company in terms of product quality, delivery speed, product price and after-sales service have been a number of customer recognition and acclaim. Looking to the future, the new company will be as in the past Chunglai adhere to the "dedicated, professional and excellent" working attitude, the customer is most concerned about product quality, delivery speed, price and after sale service, strive for further improvement, dedication to customer service, meet customer needs is our efforts no relaxation during the time of. Because - our development is to require customers of your support! Welcome your call letters, like us happy!

公司名称: 昆山新中铼电子有限公司 公司类型: 企业单位 ()
所 在 地: 河北/廊坊市 公司规模:
注册资本: 10万人民币 注册年份: 2008
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营范围: 各國精密測試探針,PCB測試探針,IC測試探針,ICT測試探針,BGA測試探針,探針套管,美國繞線工具如,OK繞線槍,剝線鉗,刀片,繞線棒,及治具材料配件
销售的产品: 各國精密測試探針,PCB測試探針,IC測試探針,ICT測試探針,BGA測試探針,探針套管,美國繞線工具如,OK繞線槍,剝線鉗,刀片,繞線棒,及治具材料配件
电子元器件 电子元器件 / 电子五金件