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楚雄市鹿城镇永盛行表业,公司成立1994年,是西南地区规模最大的永昌钟表有限公司旗下分公司,公司位于中国第二大批发市场,云南省昆明市螺蛳湾国际商贸城,经营品牌手表批发业务。主要通过实体店零售、分销、批发、外贸订单等方式相结合运营,经营的产品有电子表、石英表、机械表及礼品表。公司旗下有100多家实体店,数以千款的商品引领潮流时尚,充足的库存给您提供及时的发货服务,商品颇受广大消费者的青睐。我们虽然刚刚进入网络销售,没有什么信誉,但我们是专业,正规的手表批发商家,我们的产品是100%正品,经厂家正规授权,我们不是网络手表销售冠军,是一流的服务团队。手表外观时尚,设计新颖,质量卓越。专业的销售,售后团队,给你最好的购物体验,让每一个客户100%放心的质量和售后服务,我们的合作是建立在彼此信任的基础上,只要你迈出第一步,相信是不会让你失望的,也希望能得到你的认可和好评,我会不懈的努力... 本公司承诺:销售的手表保证原厂正品,假一赔三,绝无假冒伪劣。提供一年机芯免费维修服务。 (外观,配件不保修) ChuXiongShi deer town ever popular BiaoYe, founded in 1994, is southwest of the largest scale yongchang clock Co., LTD. Is its enterprise, the company is located in China's second largest wholesale market, kunming international trade city snails bay, management brand watch wholesale business. Mainly through the entity shop retail, distribution, wholesale, foreign trade order and combined operation mode, the products are electronic watch, quartz watch, mechanical watch and gift table. Company's home to more than 100 entity shop, tens of thousands of goods are leading the trend fashion, adequate inventory to you to provide timely delivery services, commodities popular with consumers of all ages. Although we just coming into the network marketing, no credit, but we are professional, regular watch wholesale business, our products are 100% quality goods, the factory formal authorization, we are not watch network sale champion, is the first-class service team. Watch appearance fashion, the design is novel, the quality of excellence. Professional sales and after sales team, to give you the best shopping experience, let every customer 100% trust of quality and after-sale service, our cooperation is built on the basis of trust each

公司名称: 楚雄市鹿城镇永盛行. 公司类型: 企业单位 (贸易型)
所 在 地: 河南/安阳市 公司规模: 5 - 10人
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份: 2013
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营模式: 贸易型
经营范围: 手表,女表,男表,情侣表,儿童手表,机械表,户外运动手表,潮流时尚手表,商务休闲手表,礼品表,护士表,石英表
销售的产品: 手表,女表,男表,情侣表,儿童手表,机械表,户外运动手表,潮流时尚手表,商务休闲手表,礼品表,护士表,石英表
服装鞋帽箱包、钟表眼镜 服装鞋帽箱包、钟表眼镜 / 钟表 服装鞋帽箱包、钟表眼镜 / 钟表 / 挂表