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十堰飞远汽车零部件有限公司始建于1997年7月,位于十堰市白浪车神路9号,占地面积35000平方米,建筑面积18000平方米,公司以汽车壳类铸件为主业,产品包括:轮边框架、轴间差壳、减速器壳、变速器壳等后桥壳类部件。公司以铸造的新工艺尤其是绿色环保铸造工艺应用为使命,以“志存高远,日臻完善,务实专铸,飞越无限”之目标,致力于行业的领先。 公司在08年成立了技术中心,通过了有关单位的验收确认,关键技术及装备拥有自主知识产权。水玻璃旧砂回收再利用、铸造造型柔性自动翻转生产线已向国家知识产权局申报了发明专利和实用新型专利。建有消失模铸造线三条、壳类零件加工线三条,主要加工设备采用了加工中心及数控专用设备。 公司现有铸造能力年30000吨,通过了ISO/TS 16949:2009质量体系认证,实施了电子商务及ERP管理,建立了产品数据库。公司通过协同配套的专业化发展,满足汽车铸件市场在强度、重量、成本方面的需求。在飞远成为中国一流汽车铸件提供商的过程中,实现企业和员工的价值梦想!Shiyan Feiyuan Automobile Parts Co.,Ltd was founded in July 1997, which is located in No. 9 of Cheshen road, Bailang of Shiyan city. It has an area of 35,000 square meters and construction area of 18,000 square meters. The company is mainly dedicated to manufacturing of rear axle parts like axle housing, wheel sidle frame, Inter-axle differential case, reducer housing, transmission housing, etc. Bearing the mission of coining new technology esp. environmental casting technology, taking “to be ambitious, to be perfect, to be practical and dedicated, to leap infinite” as goal, the company has been always bending itself to be pioneer the industry.In 2008, technical center was set up and accepted by relevant organizations. Feiyuan has its own property right for key equipment. Besides, we have applied from SIPO for patent of invention and utility model for recycling of used sand of water glass and automatic flexible overturn production line of casting modeling. Now we have three lines of lost foam casting, two lines of VRH water glass sand, one line of heat treatment and three lines of housing type parts fabricating. Machining center and CNC special equipment are applied on major processing equipment.Feiyuan now has casting ability of 30000 tons per year and has passed ISO/TS 16949:2009 quality system approval.

公司名称: 十堰飞远汽车零部件有限公司 公司类型: 企业单位 ()
所 在 地: 湖北/十堰市 公司规模: 301 - 500人
注册资本: 500万人民币 注册年份: 1999
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营范围: 东风轮边桥后主减壳,东风轮边桥中主减壳,东风轮边桥圆柱齿轮壳,东风460减速器总成,东风轮边桥框架,东风轮边桥轴承座036,东风轮边减速器总成,东风460后主减壳,东风460中桥减壳,中桥轴间差速壳,东风153减速器总成,东风153后减速器壳,东风153中减速器壳,东风153差速器壳,解放457减壳,457差速器壳,457减速器总成,平衡桥支架,平衡桥轴承毂,隔膜阀体
销售的产品: 东风轮边桥后主减壳,东风轮边桥中主减壳,东风轮边桥圆柱齿轮壳,东风460减速器总成,东风轮边桥框架,东风轮边桥轴承座036,东风轮边减速器总成,东风460后主减壳,东风460中桥减壳,中桥轴间差速壳,东风153减速器总成,东风153后减速器壳,东风153中减速器壳,东风153差速器壳,解放457减壳,457差速器壳,457减速器总成,平衡桥支架,平衡桥轴承毂,隔膜阀体
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