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娣卞湷甯傚窛涓滄嫇涓氱彔瀹濇湁闄愬叕鍙告槸涓€瀹朵笓涓氱敓浜у姞宸ュぉ鐒跺疂鐭炽€佸崐瀹濈煶鐨勭敓浜у瀷浼佷笟銆傚潗钀藉湪娣卞湷榫欏矖鍖虹彔瀹濅骇涓氱Н鑱氬熀鍦板唴锛屽崰鍦伴潰绉?500銕★紝寤虹瓚闈㈢Н3000銕★紝鎷ユ湁鍥藉唴涓€娴佺殑鐢熶骇娴佺▼绾垮拰浜у搧灞曠ず澶у巺銆傚叕鍙镐富瑕佺敓浜у拰閿€鍞嵃搴﹂鏍肩殑棣栭グ锛堝悐鍧犮€侀」閾俱€佽€崇幆銆佹墜閾剧瓑锛夈€傜粡杩囧骞寸殑鐢熶骇缁忚惀锛屽舰鎴愪簡浠ョ敓浜с€佹壒鍙戙€佸姞宸ャ€佺洿钀ヤ负涓荤殑钀ラ攢浣撶郴锛屼骇鍝佸湪鍥藉唴澶栭椈鍚嶉亹杩╋紝寰楀埌浜嗕笟鐣屼汉澹拰娑堣垂鑰呯殑璧炶獕鍜屼俊璧栥€傚叕鍙告绉瀬鍔姏锛岃繘涓€姝ュ紑鎷撳浗闄呭競鍦恒€傜鎵库€滅簿鐩婃眰绮撅紝鍒涘浗闄呭搧鐗屸€濈殑缁忚惀鐞嗗康锛屾垜鍏徃灏嗕笉鏂垱鏂帮紝缁欎汉浠ユ洿楂樺搧璐ㄧ殑鏃跺皻鐢熸椿銆傗€滆瘹淇°€佸搧璐ㄣ€佷簰鍒┿€佸垱鏂扳€濇槸鎴戜滑鐨勪紒涓氱簿绁烇紝鎴戜滑灏嗕互宕柊鐨勫Э鎬佽蛋鍝佺墝鎴樼暐涔嬭矾锛屽垱宸濅笢鍝佺墝锛丼henzhen City Chuandong industry Jewellry Co., Ltd is a professional and artifactitious manufacture of jewelry ,including natural gemstone and semi-gemstone , lies in Shenzhen Longgang District that was known for the accumulated jewelry industry and the total area is 2200 square meters,the construction area is about 1600 square meters,and also with high-class production line and exhibition in the domestic.Our company mostly produce and sale the Indian style handcraft (the hang-falls, necklace,earrings,bracelet,etc). Through so many years hard working ,Chuandong come into being a produced,wholesale,process and direct marketing system,our products are famous for home and abroad,at the same time,it got praise and trust from customers and competitors.With the attitudes of鈥?Keeping Improving and Creating International Brand鈥?our company will innovate continuously,providing higher qualifi- ed and fashionable life.Our spirits is 鈥淪incerity,Quality,Mutual Benif- its and Innovation鈥?we are taking a newness view with a new-brand appear- ance,creating the brand of Chuandong锛?/pre>

公司名称: 深圳市川东拓业珠宝有限公司 公司类型: 企业单位 ()
所 在 地: 吉林/吉林市 公司规模:
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份:
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
饰品、工艺品、礼品 饰品、工艺品、礼品 / 民俗工艺品 饰品、工艺品、礼品 / 民俗工艺品 / 其他民俗工艺品