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浙江省 磐安县奥奇电子厂创办于1998年。是一家有雄厚技术实力的科技型企业,专业从事家用干衣机、汽车车倒车雷达、汽车风扇、测距仪、金属探测器、停车器,的设计开发、生产和销售。 我厂严格按照 ISO9001-2000 质量体系进行规范管理。凭着精确的产品开发,敏锐的市场洞察,准确的市场定位和良好的销售服务,多年来,本公司产品受到广大客户的一致好评。磐安县奥奇电子厂已有很好的销售网络, 80% 产品出口,并远销欧美、中东、东南亚等国家和地区。 用心服务,以质量求生存,销售优质产品的同时提供最佳的服务,以确保客户的满意,使我们的企业持续发展。我们真诚欢迎您的惠顾,期待与您携手共进 ! Zhejiang Pan'an Aoqi Electronic Factory is located in Pan'an County. Pan'an County is known as "zone othe model of the national ecosystem" and environmental sustainability. Our high tech facilities strictly adhere to the ISO9001-2000 quality control system. We proudly provide customers who demand only the highest standards of manufacturing, research & development with parking sensor systems, HID Lights, Car Parking Indicators, Ultrasonic Range Finders, and Metal Detectors, amongst a line of products designed for everyday use by vehicles across the world. We currently enjoy a well established business relationship with customers from home and abroad. Eighty-percent of our product is export destined for such areas as North and South America, Africa & the Middle East, Southeast Asia and Europe. We devote our energy to service and our resources to a strategy of development through quality. Our factory is located in the heart of beautiful Zhejiang province, served by convenient transportation and nestled in the breathtaking scenery of China’s mideastern seaboard. We welcome your interest and anticipate your future business cooperation with us.

公司名称: 磐安县奥奇电子厂 公司类型: 私营独资 ()
所 在 地: 浙江/金华市 公司规模: 101 - 200人
注册资本: 未填写 注册年份: 2005
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营范围: 干衣机,倒车雷达,测距仪,泊车器,金属探测器,超声波测距仪,停车器,儿童座椅,测量仪,探测器,激光测距仪,暖风干衣机,汽车倒车雷达,可视倒车雷达,干衣机配件
销售的产品: 干衣机,倒车雷达,测距仪,泊车器,金属探测器,超声波测距仪,停车器,儿童座椅,测量仪,探测器,激光测距仪,暖风干衣机,汽车倒车雷达,可视倒车雷达,干衣机配件
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