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湛江诚威食品原料有限公司位于湛江市霞山区华港工业区,是由中外合资创办的食品生产、加工企业。本公司致力于面包屑、饼干屑、各式裹浆裹粉及各国口味浸渍调料的开发和生产,并引进国际先进的生产设备和技术,以超前的加工技术,不断开发新产品,协助客户解决有关水产冷冻加工,肉制品加工,蔬菜加工及速食餐饮等方面问题,是目前在中国能全面生产各式裹粉裹浆原料的公司。在重视品质,重视服务的经营理念下,本公司全体员工致力于为客户提供满意的、有竞争力的产品,目前产品供应全国各地,并外销台湾、日本、东南亚、美国、欧盟等,在业界享有良好声誉。我公司已取得全国工业产品许可证(QS),并通过ISO9001国际质量体系认证。湛江诚威食品原料有限公司主张以世界级的裹屑、裹粉、裹浆技术,配合独特的配方,生产品质优良的食品加工原料,并以坚强的新产品研发能力,成功的协助客户开发能获利的好产品,并以坚强的技术服务以解决任何有关冷冻加工食品如炸鸡、炸鸡块、鱼排、裹面虾、肉排、调味料等产品的问题。Zhanjiang Chengwei Food Material Co., Ltd. (Established in 2007) It’s located at Huagang Industrial Zone of Zhanjiang. The company is Sino-foreign joint venture. We specialize in producing breadcrumbs, batter, breaders (cracker meals), marinades, seasonings, glaze, and the various kinds of related products for poultry, seafood, meat, vegetable food processors and fast food companies.In China , we are currently the only manufacturer which can produce the complete lines of breading material. Following our company policy devoted to good quality & service, we use the advanced equipments, and technologies to produce good quality products. And also, we have the experienced experts in this industry to provide our customers with the satisfying services in the new product development and any other manufacturing & marketing consultation.At present, our products are marketed all over the country and exported to U.S.A., Europe, Australia, Taiwan and Japan. We sincerely hope that we have the opportunity to serve and work jointly with your company to develop successful business in the future.

公司名称: 湛江诚威食品原料有限公司 公司类型: 外资企业 (生产型)
所 在 地: 辽宁/辽阳市 公司规模: 11 - 50人
注册资本: 300万人民币 注册年份: 2007
保 证 金: 已缴纳 0.00
经营模式: 生产型
经营范围: 面包屑;浆粉;裹粉;饼干粉;浸渍粉;调味料;面包鱼用裹浆粉或面包屑;面包虾用裹浆粉或面包屑;凤尾虾用裹浆粉或面包屑;蝴蝶虾用裹浆粉或面包屑;
销售的产品: 面包屑;浆粉;裹粉;饼干粉;浸渍粉;调味料;面包鱼用裹浆粉或面包屑;面包虾用裹浆粉或面包屑;凤尾虾用裹浆粉或面包屑;蝴蝶虾用裹浆粉或面包屑;
食品、饮料 食品、饮料 / 休闲与焙烤食品 食品、饮料 / 休闲与焙烤食品 / 面包