
【精品推荐】VOLVO 20835246离合器总泵 定制制动总泵 汽车制动器

VOLVO 20835246离合器总泵 定制制动总泵 汽车制动器产品描述:产品名称: 离合器总泵适用车型: VOLVO Ø 28,57mm品 质: 原厂

  • 产品单价: 1.00元/1.00元
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    江苏 无锡市

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【精品推荐】VOLVO 20835246离合器总泵 定制制动总泵 汽车制动器
¥1.00 791人浏览

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起订: 200 1.00元 供货总量:
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货 所在地: 江苏 无锡市
有效期至: 长期有效 品牌:


VOLVO 20835246离合器总泵 定制制动总泵 汽车制动器

产品描述:产品名称: 离合器总泵

适用车型: VOLVO Ø 28,57mm

品 质: 原厂配套品质     

本公司是汽车制动器的专业生产厂家,能开发及制造的产品有:刹车总泵/离合器总泵和分泵/刹车卡钳及高性能改装卡钳等。主要出口和内销,产品涉及车型包括: 欧系、美系、日系、韩系及国内部分车型。严格依照ISO/TS16949质量体系标准,质量有保证,价格实惠。欢迎您的联系洽谈合作!

电      话:86 0592 3804565


传      真:86 0592 5973397

地      址:中国 福建 厦门市湖里区 园山南路802号A1516(公司)

邮      编:361009



厦 门禹诚制动系统有限公司是专业研发、制造及销售汽车制动系统的厂家,是经国家相关部门批准注册的具有进出口资质的企业。主要产品有汽车制动总泵、离合器 总泵和分泵、前制动卡钳、后轮制动卡钳(带驻车功能)、高性能改装卡钳及其它机械零配件等。 公司拥有完善、科学的质量管理体系,产品性能稳定,畅销国内外。我们拥有精良的生产和检测设备,产品自研发、制造、检测、销售全过程均按照 ISO/TS16949质量管理体系的要求进行管理和过程控制,100%在线检测,持续不断的为客户提供安全、可靠的制动产品和服务。 公司拥有技术精湛、经验丰富、充满热诚和富有激情的工作团队,一直为推进全国乃至全球市场制动系统配件的供应而不懈努力。本公司一直秉承“优质产品、专业 服务”的企业精神,以倡导“交通安全,和谐发展”为企业核心。与多家企业建立了长期的合作关系,为振兴中华民族工业而革新奋进! 欢迎各界朋友莅临参观、指导和业务洽谈! Company Profile: Xiamen MELECC Brake System CO.,LTD. is a professional manufacturer, specialized in R&D and manufacturing automobile brake system. Our products include Tandem Brake Master Cylinder, Clutch Master/Operating Cylinder, Front Caliper, Rear Caliper with integral parking brake, Booster and so on. Our products are best-selling in both domestic and overseas markets due to their stable and reliable performance. Our company can R&D and manufacture automobile brake system product which meets the original OEM quality standards. Not only mastering the core technology of automobile braking system, but also do we pay great attention to the manufacture technology and the quality-testing technology. We can research and develop our own equipment to produce our products and testing their quality. The Production technology and testing technology have already become one of our core technologies and core competitiveness. We have excellent production and quality-testing equipments, which enable the whole process( from the R&D,manufacture,testing, to sale) to be carried out according to the ISO/TS16949 quality control system request, and 100% online testing. Our company always keeps the spirit of "Good-Quality Products, Professional Service",and to advocate "Safe Traffic, harmonious development" as our core......


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