
tv产品 电视毯保暖袖毯懒人创意毯 snuggie blanket with sleeves

'蓝色都有现货,其他颜色可以适量搭配Stay warm with the snuggie with your hands free to move around. With the price of upc

  • 产品单价: 15.50元/15.50元
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    江苏 南通市

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起订: 1 15.50元 供货总量:
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货 所在地: 江苏 南通市
有效期至: 长期有效 品牌:




Stay warm with the snuggie with your hands free to move around. With the price of upcoming heating bills you can save by wearing a snuggies and lowering your heat.

Blankets are OK but they can slip and slide, plus your hands are trapped inside.

Blankets are OK, but they can slip and slide, plus your hands are trapped inside. The Snuggie™ fleece blanket is super soft, thick and luxurious so it keeps you completely warm. Plus, with roomy, oversized sleeves, it gives you the freedom to use your hands while still being totally wrapped in warmth.  

Snuggie is made with super soft, thick, luxurious fleece with roomy, oversized sleeves that let you do what you want while still being totally wrapped in warmth. Perfect for men, women, and children!

A warm snugli blamket!


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