
象棋 3.5木象棋 象棋批发 休闲用品连盘象棋批发


  • 产品单价: 6.80元/6.8元
  • 品牌名称:

  • 产地:

    福建 南平市

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起订: 10 6.8元 供货总量:
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货 所在地: 福建 南平市
有效期至: 长期有效 品牌:


   福娃  拉虫玩具 小丑拉线人  沙锤 情趣骰子 镂空镜梳 不锈钢镂空镶钻美镜健康保健木梳 虎纹贝果挂坠 平安豆中国结挂坠  檀香籽项链 刻画竹木碗垫潇洒竹剑
 木制蒜钵竹制蒜钵木质苹果型烟灰缸木制茶道八件套 木制贝雕茄子牙签罐  木制刀架  钢丝头部按摩器香木三角手心按摩器香木方形刮痧片 伸缩经络按摩拍  套头加厚加大型雨衣天然树藤登山拐杖 红檀木筷   乌木筷两色竹沙拉碗 **************************************************************************************************************************************************   木制象棋,棋盘木制,棋子木制,棋盘带扣可扣合,携带方便。棋子黑白用木盒分开放置。棋子规格:直径3.5CM小象棋棋盘:30.5*16CM重量:0.275KG 联系电话:0599-5252809
联系人:王碧良产品问题(The product):公司研发部会根据市场变动产品的包装和产品外观,没有来得及修改的望请谅解,产品质量没有问题的,请不要以与图片不符为由要求退货,卖家不接受。Company development department according to market changes and the packing of the products, product appearance, not enough time to modify the please forgive, product quality is no problem with pictures, please don't ask to return money, not by the seller is not acceptable.售后服务(After-sales service):收货或者取货时,请先验货后签单,物品若有损坏,或者是少货现象,请不要签收, 先与客服联系说明情况并让物流公司人员或者快递人员证明后在做处理,否者签收后出现任何问题卖家概不负责.
Receiving or take the goods, please sign the bill, after inspection items, or if there is less damage phenomenon of goods, please don't contact with customer first sign, explained the situation and logistics company personnel or personnel in proof of delivery, no after receipt of any problems after the seller shall not be held responsible for.礼品活动(Gifts):每月不定期举行送礼活动。买家收藏本店,以便到时候得到最新消息。 :)Our monthly non-periodical hold gifts. Then, in order to collect our buyers get the latest news. :发货方式(delivery):下午5点前的单子,我们回全部发货,5点后隔天发。一般情况下物流发货,快递的中通,CCES优先、有特殊要求,联系客服说明走什么快递或者物流。Before five o 'clock this afternoon, our list of all goods, to the day after 5:00. General situation of logistics delivery, express delivery, priority, CCES zhongtong have special requirements, contact what that express or logistics. *************************************************************************************************************************************************买家须知                  如有问题请联系客服,以下是联系方式。 联系我们(Contact us):联系电话(telephone):王碧良(营销部经理)Wang Biliang (sales director)0599-5252809联系手机(mobile):13859473955 18259321595QQ:604519393(王先生)     31311802(吴小姐)    联系旺旺(trademanager):     电子邮箱(E-mail):604519393@qq.com   欢迎各位商家来电咨询!0599-5252809 

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