
供应冰箱贴 果冻胶 TPR果冻贴 复活节彩蛋


  • 产品单价: 3.20元/3.20元
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    浙江 宁波市

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供应冰箱贴 果冻胶 TPR果冻贴 复活节彩蛋
¥3.20 193人浏览

供应冰箱贴 果冻胶 TPR果冻贴

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起订: 3000 3.20元 供货总量:
发货期限: 自买家付款之日起 天内发货 所在地: 浙江 宁波市
有效期至: 长期有效 品牌:


      热塑性塑料软胶窗贴是一种节日装饰用品,可贴在窗户玻璃、梳妆台镜子、电脑装饰。可以根据自己喜欢的各种物体的形状、漂亮的颜色进行搭配,拼成自己喜爱的图案。同时,开发儿童的智力和动手协调能力。产品已通过欧盟重金属限量测试符合EN-71标准。总含铅量和邻苯二钾酸盐都通过美国ASTM F-963的检测标准。适合于三周岁以上的儿童使用。
      Jelly Gems Sticker.Colorful, fun and reusable, Jelly Gems Sticker are a new way to express yourself and decorate your surroundings. Flowers, stars and dozens of other shapes for your daily and seasonal decoration as you like. They stick to your windows, mirrors, computer monitor – any non-porous surfaces. Don’t stick Jelly Gems Sticker on drywall, wood, painted surfaces, plastic, fabric or other porous surfaces. They will leave oily marks. Jelly Gems Sticker are not suitable for children under 3 years and they are not toys. Jelly Gems Sticker are decorative icons only. Use under adult supervision. Jelly Gems Sticker are non-toxic, but should not be ingested. They pass the test of EN71- Part 1, 2, 3. They comply with the total lead content requirement according to US CPSC 16 CFR 1303 and phthalate requirement stated in European Directive 2005/84/EC.

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